In general, all of these coal types can be burned on a given unit at the same combustion heat release. 总的来说,等量的这些煤在燃烧时散发的热量是相等的。
A Study on Drought Resistance and Applicability of Different Pinus Flexilis James Populations Represents a general heat source. Radioisotope or combustion heat source can be specified. 柔枝松不同种源抗旱性及适应性研究表示普通热源。可指定放射性同位素或燃烧热源。
The error analysis in determination of combustion heat by oxygen bomb combustion fuel gas apparatus 氧弹量热仪测定物质燃烧热值的误差分析燃烧燃料排气测定器
(?) etermination of combustion heat for 61 tree species in Jiangsu 江苏省61个树种木材燃烧热的测定
The principle of the fuel-rich propellant combustion heat standard equipment is introduced and the uncertainty of this standard equipment is analyzed. 介绍了贫氧推进剂热值标准装置的工作原理,并对该装置进行了不确定度分析评定。
A effective Method deal with experiment Data of "The determine of combustion heat" By Microcomputer 用微机处理燃烧热的测定实验数据的有效方法
These results are instructively important for determining combustion heat safely. 这些结果对安全地测定燃烧热具有指导意义。
Heat source, general symbol. Right-click for radioisotope or combustion heat source. 热源,通用符号。右击来使用放射性同位素或燃烧热源。
Uniformity and Stability of Combustion Heat and Its Uncertainty Analyses for Mg/ Al Fuel-rich Propellant 镁铝富燃料推进剂热值的均匀性和稳定性及不确定度分析
China is the common name for ware made of porcelain, given because it came from China. Represents a general heat source. Radioisotope or combustion heat source can be specified. 瓷器是瓷质器皿的通用名称,取这个与中国书写相同的名称,是因为瓷器源于中国。表示普通热源。可指定放射性同位素或燃烧热源。
Based on the test data of acceleration process of 492Q gasoline engine, a thermodynamic model of combustion heat release rate is developed to study the transient behavior of gasoline engines. 作者依据492Q汽油机加速过程的试验结果,修正了汽油机燃烧放热率计算的热力学模型,使之适用于非稳定工况。
This is a new method of prediction for the standard combustion heat of paraffin from substance structure. 这是一种从分子结构预测烷烃标准燃烧热的新方法。
Catalytic combustion heat exchanger ( CCHE) is benign to the environment, and it performs efficiently and economically. 催化燃烧换热器具有高效、经济和环境友好等特点。
The computing formula of the self-heating and combustion heat release source in the coupled models has been set up. 给出了定量确定耦合模型中自热自燃源项的计算式;
This paper suggests an improvement of the method of combustion heat determination with the oxygen-bomb calorimeter. 本文提出在难燃物质中加入一定量标准物,用氧弹量热计测定难燃物质燃烧热的一种方法;
This paper presents a calculating method of combustion heat release rate in swirl chamber diesel engines. 本文提供了涡流室柴油机燃烧放热率的计算方法。
Prepared are three dimensional comprehensive combustion heat transfer process computational programs for pulverized coal furnaces. 编制了煤粉炉膛三维综合燃烧&传热过程计算程序;
Study on the combustion heat of homologues 对同系物燃烧热的研究
But density and volumetric combustion heat of the systems increase with increment of nano-aluminum powder content. 而各纳米铝粉/煤油凝胶体系的密度随纳米铝粉含量的增加呈升高趋势,体系的体积燃烧热也随纳米铝粉含量增加而升高。
Based on the thermochemistry and chemical kinetics, the combustion mechanism and flowing direction of combustion heat for the three main species of solid fuels was studied. 应用化学热力学和化学动力学原理,研究了煤矿中三种主要固体燃料的燃烧机理及燃烧热的流向;
Study on the New Calculation Method of Combustion Heat Release Rate for Divided Chamber Diesel Engine 分开式燃烧室柴油机燃烧放热率计算新方法的研究
Prediction of the Limiting Temperature and Limiting Pressure in Oxygen Bomb in the Process of Determination of Combustion Heat 燃烧热测定过程中氧弹内极限温度和极限压力的预测
Calculation and Application of Combustion Heat Release Rate in High Speed Diesel Engine 高速柴油机燃烧放热率的计算和应用
Aviation fuel, with high combustion heat and large risk, is the risk source in the fuel-spilled-fires. 航空煤油是一类燃烧热值高、危险性大的燃料,是燃油泄漏火灾中的重大危险源。
And expected to become a new rapid, effective quantitative analysis way for tobacco combustion heat. 3. 说明此方法能应用于烟叶燃烧热的分析,有望成为一种新的有效的烟叶燃烧热的快速定量分析方法。
The two teaching cases are 《 The Chemical Reaction And Its Energy Combustion Heat Energy 》 and 《 Continuable Development Education In Research Study Is There Acid Rain In My Hometown? 两个教学案例分别选取的是《化学反应与能量燃烧热能源》和《在研究性学习中进行可持续发展教育我家乡有酸雨吗》。
Post injection can reduce the combustion heat release rate of the main injection fuel and promote the in-cylinder temperature after the main injection fuel ignites. 后喷射的引入对燃烧过程的影响主要是降低主喷燃油的燃烧放热率和提升主喷燃油放热后期缸内温度。
There is little influence of regulation powder on the combustion heat and combustion temperature of igniting powder. 试验中加入的调节剂对点火药燃烧热和燃烧温度影响不大。
Then linear interpolation is applied to simplify parameters 'computation for the combustion heat release rule in dynamic process. 采用插值法简化动态过程中燃烧放热规律参数的计算,并使用涡轮增压器的动态方程,使容积法模型具有了动态仿真的能力。